Tag Archives: queer bodies


PLEASE SUBMIT ANY PHOTOS AND STORIES YOU HAVE TO BLAQUEERGMAIL.COM OR TWEET ME AT @BLAQUEER.  This is a project for those of us with queer bodies (bodies that are considered undesirable or failed bodies by society: fat bodies, bodies that are “too dark” or “too light,” bodies in transition, bodies that are considered “shapeless,” bodies that have little to no access to “beauty power.” This is an attempt to state that a movement must consider bodies and embrace all bodies in order to be a truly progressive movement. Photo on 9-01-13 at 2.58 PM

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Queer Body Project (Our Queer Bodies Ourselves)

Maybe, probably, it has existed before but I want to try to do a queer bodies project, “Our Queer Bodies Ourselves”; the question is: What is a queer body? For our purposes a queer body is a body that does not conform to beauty ideals: obese bodies, bodies marked by disfigurement or disease, average bodies, bodies in transition, bodies that are “too dark” or “too light,” bodies like mine–perhaps bodies like yours. Every movement starts with bodies; so, if, from the start, the movement does not challenge the idea that certain bodies are better, superior, to others then that movement is destined to be a failure. That movement will not , cannot create change, only accommodation. We want change. Email all pics and any writings to Blaqueer@gmail.com or tweet pics to @Blaqueer or @MLukas82.  I can’t do this alone but hopefully together we can (re)start a conversation. Image

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