Tag Archives: live

IT’S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IMG_0571Happy Friday; My gift to you is this song find. I love disco! Fuck subtlety! Life is too short. I want my life soundtrack to be loud, pulsating, filled with no nuance, and screaming my emotions. I need the music to make me swoon, cry, curl up in a ball, or on a day like today, it need to make twirl till I drop. Like I said, fuck subtlety! And kiss someone till you lose your breath and write cliche poetry at 4AM while you eat some eggs and toss back your last glass of wine.


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this and you from Have A Gay Day on Facebook:
“This weekend, activists in Uganda – a country where homosexuality is punishable by death – held their first Pride.

This is the epitome of courage. I have no other words.”

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