Tag Archives: family

Fat Boi Eats: EASTER!!!!

So I am not religious, but my family is so I am used to celebrating Easter, and while I tend to forget that someone died and allegedly rose again, I do not forget to put out a spread. This Easter was small and I had over a few of my friends to share dinner (odd that Christians do not celebrate passover) with the parental units (been in a “Reality Bites” mood) and I. The only disaster were my biscuits, I am not a southern lady—yet.

ricotta cheese mixture on a whole wheat multigrain cracker, topped with roast peppers.

sweet potato pie with marshmallow fluff topping

mmmmmm strawberries, and for others, watermelon

mac ‘n cheese (I prefer ziti noodles)

Cranberry, Orange, and Brown Sugar glazed Ham

collard greens (with turkey)

Small Bois Eating

always ready for a camera

Tilapia I later cooked

chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and sea salt

more fruit

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